Saturday, February 2, 2008


What do you think about Paul Givler's exit from the Redevelopment Authority board and the recent appointment of Harry Colon?


Anonymous said...

Jenn, I hope you are back on this blog for a long time. We people who care about the future of Coatesville have missed you.

Anonymous said...

This is another example of getting rid of a qualified member of the administration and replacing him with a unqualified buddy. Harry will do what ever Ernie tells him to do.

Anonymous said...

Harry Colon is partners with Amrit Lal and they are both the biggest slum lords in Coatesville. They are cronic law breakers who are constantly in court and cry about selective enforcement. They are also friends with and have been seen hanging out with Harry Walker. Colon doesn't have a drivers license due to DWI but still drives.

Read this public info:
Docket Number: CP-15-CR-0003748-1990
Court Case
Page 2 of 5
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Harry Colon
Sequence Grade Section/ Description Statute Description Offense OTN
1 M2 75 § 3731 §§A1* Driving Under The Influence Of Alcohol 06/14/1990 C3513506
2 75 § 1543 §§A Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked 06/14/1990 C3513506
3 S 75 § 4302 Operating W/O Lights 06/14/1990 C3513506
4 M 35 § 780-113 §§A31 Poss Of Marijuana 06/14/1990 C3513506
5 M 35 § 780-113 §§A32 Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 06/14/1990 C3513506

Birds of a feather...

Anonymous said...

please you are giving court documents that are 18 years old . He may be a slum lord but if you want to talk bad on him how about something from this centery

Anonymous said...

This has to do with native Coatesvillians being afraid of changing Coatesville and losing their identities as blue-callar bad-asses who at least know how to keep them blacks in their places. If regular people start moving in, the native blue collar population becomes second class. That's why they get so insanely beligerant against revitalizing Coatesville. I feel sorry for the middle-class types who are stuck within the city limits with them.

Anonymous said...

February 2, 2008 4:18 PM
Just a sample..

Anonymous said...

Ok first I will say I am not from Coatesville. Have been reading about the flats and I have the solution. Do with this as you will . Somebody needs to contact cabelas or bass pro shop to put a store there then continue on either side with olive garden and other restaurants . then put the city walk around the ,lets say, cabelas and they can have fishing demos at the brandywine, hold a trout opening day fishing rodeo along the city walk and invite all the restaurants to have booths on the other side of the path. Now this would not only bring hundreds of jobs why construction is going on it also would bring hundreds of jobs after it is complete and people could flow right from this complex into the business district of downtown Coatesville and if you get enough development along 320 the hotel and retail stores would be a pleasant walk, again, along the walking trail. Then chetty can get people intrested in his condos can you imagine what the city would look like if this plan was achieved. Well here is the Idea put it into the hands of someone who can complete the job. good luck.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are an avid fisherman!

Anonymous said...

Hey 9:32, great ideas! This is the kind of thinking we've been talking about, but it requires that the city make the location attractive to the entities you mention. That means incentives, as I'm sure someone like you understands. The problem we are having in Cville as a previous poster mentioned is that we are burdened with a lot of "blue caller badasses" who see only immediate gain and who do not trust what they call "outsiders". They may actually prefer the status quo. I'm not sure.
I've come to realize that I don't understand them, but think they are a sort of ghetto and take comfort in their solidarity and roots as industrial workers. I'm afraid a power plant with smoke stacks will make them nostalgic and they will like the idea. The poor people who just moved into the apartments above the flats!!

But then again, many of these native Coatesvillians are avid sportsmen...

Anyway, keep your good ideas comming please! Coatesville needs all the outside help it can get...

Anonymous said...

February 2, 2008 9:32 PM

Sounds like an idea, however you cannot seriously beleive someone like Cabela's would come and build in Cville. Although I personally would like that. There where already builders lined up before the block blocked them.

Anonymous said...

Right, someone like Blatstein may have been able to attract that kind of scale. It's impossible until there is a new regime in city hall. And it has to be made attractive. Then the Coatesvillians will scream about outsiders trying to "take advantage of them". Remember, they think everyone is out to get them. Coatesvillians are the reason Coatesville doesn't get anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Well there you have it there must be someone in Coatesville with enough stuff to try this and bring it to council

Anonymous said...

February 3, 2008 2:48 PM

You are unfortunately 100% right.

Anonymous said...

I know its not technically coatesville, but does anyone know if the shopping center at Airport road or the old place near the traffic light have any hope or plans in place?

Anonymous said...

I emailed you a few weeks ago and begged you to come back and you did!! I'm so glad
Keep up the great work

Anonymous said...

Who else applied? Are the two latest appointments the best qualified? (Civil Service, RDA)

Anonymous said...

Paul Givler asked to be reappointed but told Walker that he would not support a power plant in downtown Coatesville in the heart of the revitization area. Another name was mentioned but didn't get nominated. The minds to be in city hall had their minds made up already so it didn't really matter.

Anonymous said...

You have to ask yourself, how did it become a block of five. Everyone is waiting for the opportunity to remove the block and instead it has grown.

I really don't believe the people will ever gain control of this mess.

By the way, what was that stupid comment about keeping blacks in their place? Another reason the people will never get control... too many idiots with SUPPOSEDLY the same goal that are divisive. But keep it up, the last thing Coatesville needs is racial tension. It's no where near where it could be if that's the direction you want to take it in.

Just one more, of soooo many, reasons I'm glad I left.