Saturday, February 2, 2008

Public Safety

Is the city doing enough to tackle violent crime in the city? Should the city do more? Or have you seen positive changes?

Also, see Sunday's edition of the Daily Local News for an overview on the state of the Coatesville Police Department.


Anonymous said...

Just read in Saturday's DLN that a bunch of guns were stolen from a East Fallowfield home. Let's hope they find them or else you can bet they will find their way in teenagers hands on the streets of Coatesville. Just what we don't need.

Anonymous said...

Probably perpetrated by Cville citizens.

Anonymous said...

This is how educated the so called chief is... note all the grammer mistakes. I believe the proper name is "Dave's Deli" not "Dirty Dave's". He is such an awesome chief!!

Special Attention Order

I received a desperate and very emotional call from a woman this morning indicating that her family is being harassed by a group of 8-10 juveniles gang members. All through the call the woman was crying hysterically.

The woman (who would not give her name) has a 15 year old son who she keeps in the house for fear that he may be attacked one day. Recently, the woman’s husband was surrounded by 10 youth and she fears that someone is going to get hurt. She does not want her husband to get hurt trying to protect his family. When the youth surrounded her husband she said, “he felt like a caged animal”

The family lives in the 400 block of Chestnut St. The husband does not want the police involved for fear that the gang will retaliate. The woman has agreed to provide me with the names of several of the juveniles by Monday. She states that the youth hang on the corner of dirty Dave’s. The family has been warned that the gang will strike sometimes this weekend, possibly to day.

Give special attention to the 400 block of Chestnut Street for roving groups of juveniles. Enforce the curfew if possible. Stop, identify, and warn if unable to detain because of shift manpower shortages. Be aware of what is going on in the Chestnut Street area (e.g., recent shooting etc).
Be Safe and “Friendly, Firm and Fair.”

Be Friendly. That means be compassionate to all victims, whether you can immediately help them or not. Be Firm. That means be assertive but professional at all time. Enforce The Law. Giving people a sense of personal safety. Be Fair. That means do not disrespect anyone. Be even handed and stay inside of legal boundaries.

Showing a little compassion goes a long-long way
Be Safe,

Chief Matthews

PS: This may be the same gang that robbed Mr. Edward Hammond last night while walking south bound on N 5th Ave near East Diamond St. The victim was surrounded, struck multiple times, and robbed.


Anonymous said...

The 400 block of chestnut st. is a very short block. there is basically only homes on one side. I doubt if the troublemakers live on that block as I know several people that live there. But I agree that it is not safe to walk the streets after dark without a stick or baseball bat in your hand for all to see, to protect yourself. This is probably the same gang that has been breaking car windows at night to steal stuff. I'll be watching.

Anonymous said...

Graffiti all over the once proud 4th ward. Maybe Shenk thinks that we are getting what we deserve. Ever notice how he has the ten commandments posted out by the road. He just can't get enough of his own riteousness. Why is it that none of the people in his ward ever see him if he's such a riteous guy? All he can say about the grafiti is that it exists all over the country and is not just a Coatesville problem. The people of his ward who he is supposed to care about should run him out of town!